I recreate the artwork for these patches, from many knowledgeable and historical resources. Many come from military historical agencies, representing all branches of the military. Some information come from members of actual squadron or group associations. The Internet, also plays an important roll in my research process, as well.
henry kappel
6/10/2015 06:16:44 am
I served as aerial gunner crew 508 715 sqdn 448 Bg. I have an old sqdn insignia on felt, Can you duplicate it in leather? and how much will it cost , i am 91+... wlll send a copy of it via fax if you can do it in leather. i will put it on my old A-2 jacket. Henry Charles Kappel
Jim Buchanan
6/10/2015 08:33:51 am
Jim Buchanan
6/10/2015 08:38:04 am
Hey Henry... contact me on my email... [email protected] and I'll see what I can do... I'm also a big fan of the 15th AF and B-24's... Leave a Reply. |